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Five Myths of the Swamp

January 27 2015 | Blog

The swamp is a mysterious place, teeming with wild animals and plantlife. Behind cascading Spanish Moss lie secrets of the swamp that those outside it will never know. But there are some things we do know for sure. If you aren't immersed in swamp life every day like us here at the Jean Lafitte Swamp Tour, you may have some misconceptions about it. Well, we're here to set the record straight. Behold, five common swamp myths, debunked. 

Top Five New Orleans Swamp Myths

swamp myth

Like this alligator spotted at the Jean Lafitte Swamp tour in January 2015, alligators can be seen any time of year on the Jean Lafitte Swamp Tour, especially on sunny days. We caught this mama gator protecting her baby and den behind her as the boat passed. Jean Lafitte Swamp Tours is the only swamp tour in Louisiana that is located in a National Park & Wildlife Preserve; therefore, our gators are protected and abundant!

swamp vs bayou louisiana

On the contrary, the Jean Lafitte Swamp Tour goes through a canal, which is a man-made waterway AND a bayou, a natural waterway. Our swamp tour travels through Bayou aux Carpes along its route.

swamp crocodiles

Crocodiles are native to the tropical areas of Africa, Australia, Asia and the Caribbean Basin including the Caribbean islands and South Florida. You won't be finding any crocs in the swamplands of Louisiana. 

alligators chase louisiana

Humans are too large for suitable prey, and bigger gators shy more readily. Alligators are known to protect their nest however, and may charge any threat to their young. 

swamp private land louisiana

The traditional Jean Lafitte Swamp Tour is fortunate to be the only swamp tour in Louisiana located in a national park, the Jean Lafitte National Park and Preserve. The Jean Lafitte airboat tours are also located on private property which other vessels are not authorized to travel through. 

Jean Lafitte Swamp Tours

6601 Leo Kerner Lafitte Parkway
Marrero, Louisiana 70072

New Orleans Airboat Tours

4757 Orleans Way
Marrero, Louisiana 70072

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